Prestige rewards now grant weapons, garments or booksĬliccate sul pulsante in basso per accedere alla pagina di download.The map is intended to be played by teams of two, east vs west Consider your starting position and choose your strategy wisely. Additionally, not all sectors have fortifications to protect them. The "Crow´s Nest" has a single marketplace and unevenly spread resources.Added the 4 player map: “Crow´s Nest” for skirmish and multiplayer matches.Fixed bug with a street that was build into the terrain.Fixed rare failure to destroy and rebuild work yards in the vicinity of streets.Streets beneath bridges are no longer visible.Fixed failure to unlock next campaign map.Fixed a bug with the screen mode detection that prevented the game from starting.Fixed rare crashes of the auto save function.If not, the game options are reset to default Added a check if the last game launch was successful.If a teammate gains a dynamic victory point that has been yours, this will not be shown in your interface anymore.The allocation of fancy food to butchers has been improved.L'update risolve diversi bug, in particolare vengono risolti dei crashes legati all'autosalvataggio ed un problema che impediva lo sblocco di una mappa aggiuntiva.Ecco il changelog completo: Disponibile una nuova patch per The Settlers 7 La strada verso il Regno.Īrriva l'aggiornamento versione 1.03 per The Settlers 7: La strada verso il Regno (o Path to a Kingdom, che dir si voglia).